
Trisha Pavicich, APSW, LCSW-IT

Trisha Pavicich is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker In Training. She has 20 years of experience in providing meaningful mental health care and counseling to individuals over the age of 16, couples, relatives within a small family unit and elders. She specializes in assisting individuals working through depression, anxiety and life transitions as well as those that are challenged with grief and loss.

She believes that all clients, when offered the opportunity, space and caring guidance, have the ability to better their own circumstances, make healthy decisions and improve their own overall quality of life.

She uses an authentic client-focused approach in conversation, and within goal setting, and strives to enhance the desired outcome of wellness specific to each individual in session.

Trisha graduated with her Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of Arizona in 2005.

Insurance Plans Accepted
United HealthCare and Medicare

Demographic of Client
Individuals over the age of 16, couples, small groups of related individuals, and the elderly.

Therapeutic Approaches
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy(DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Motivational Interviewing, Narrative Therapy, Solutions-Focused Therapy and Somatic Experiencing with Mindfulness.

Areas of Specialization
Anxiety, depression, feelings of low self worth, relationship challenges, womens’ issues, grief, loss and stress within transitions of life.

Accepting new patients

To schedule a appointment with Trisha Pavicich please contact us or call: 520-269-1000