
Don Roth, PsyD

Our well-being is heavily influenced by the way that we see, think, and relate to ourselves, others, and the larger world.

While life struggles are a part of our shared human experience, there are times when life circumstances, and our pattern of relating over time can negatively impact our sense of who we are and how well we are doing in the world. I believe that we all have inner resources of wisdom and strength but these are often unrecognized or underutilized in the context of various ongoing struggles.

I offer a safe and supportive therapy relationship where you can learn effective skills to address the challenges you face. This includes learning to access and utilize your own inner wisdom and strength.

Among my areas of clinical focus are:

  • Life transitions
    The start or end of a significant relationship; move to a new city; career struggles or change; health concerns; and sleep struggles among others.
  • Being raised by emotionally immature or “narcissistic” parents
    The lingering effects of this experience (either ongoing or in the past) can result in a variety of struggles with work and with interpersonal relationships. I work with people on issues like developing healther boundaries, developing a sense of greater emotional freedom.
  • Recovery from habits and addictions
    Habits and addictions (e.g. overeating, compulsive sexual activities, procrastination, excessive social media/gaming, etc.). can develp over time in the context of having fun or as a distraction and escape from persistent difficult thoughts and emotions. With help, difficult feelings can both be endured and transformed into a constructive source of energy and wisdom.
  • Depression
    Cogntive Behavioral Theapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) have been shown to be especially effective non-pharmacological tools to address symptoms of depression.
  • Anxiety
    As with Depression, CBT and ACT have been shown to be especially effective non-pharmacological tools to address symptoms of anxiety.
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
    Obsessive thoughts around various fears and the felt need to engage in behavioral “rituals” to “neutrualize” the fears can occupy a large amount of one’s time and interfere with work, leisre, and relationships. Inferential Based Therapy (IBT), along with ACT, and CBT have been found—either individually or in combination to be effective methods to bring real relief from the burden of OCD.

I am passionate about helping people by using therapy methods based on positive outcome research. Among the modalities that I use are TEAM CBT; ACT; IBT, and IFS.

About Me

I have been in clinical practice for 37 years. My education and training are though APA and CPA accredited bodies. I have also taught and supervised psychologist interns. I reside with my committed partner and our canine “daughter” . I enjoy time in nature, reading, playing and listening to music, and cooking.

I am currently accepting self-pay and payment as an “out of network” provider.

Contact Information

Call: (414) 404-7231
Email: droth@resilientjourneydr.com